In-year Admissions
This page contains information for all students wanting to join or are joining Thirsk School & Sixth Form College who are not transferring from Primary School as a new Year 7 starter in September.
Please be reminded that all admission arrangements are managed by the Local Authority (NYC). Please apply via the link below. All applications, except Sixth Form, must go via North Yorkshire Council.
For Sixth Form applications, parents should email, Gordon Pentland, Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form. gordon.pentland@thirskschool.org
Where parents wish students to be admitted, they should click on the link above and complete the application online. For pupils with an EHCP, parents/carers are asked to contact the appropriate Head of School/College or the SENDCo so a meeting can be arranged.
Once a place has been allocated by North Yorkshire County, as a school, we will then begin the process of admitting the child to Thirsk School & Sixth Form College. This process will take approximately a week as there is lots to be done.
After a meeting and tour of the school and parents have agreed to accept the allocated place then the child's previous school will be contacted to obtain all the necessary information.
When students move from another school to Thirsk School & Sixth Form College, we work hard to ensure the transition to us is as smooth as possible. It is important that everything is in place for the day the student starts. To support this process we require parents/carers to undertake lots of reading to inform their choices around various consents which need attending to prior to their child starting school.
Thirsk School & Sixth Form College use MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) as our parent portal and this will enable you to see attendance, behaviour, school reports and much more as well as consents. As soon as we have your email address we can activate your MyChildAtSchool account. If you have an existing account for another student here at Thirsk School & Sixth Form College, you do not need a new account. You will be able to switch between students by using the drop-down menu on the left hand side under the photograph. If these accounts do not seem to be linked, please contact jenny.crabtree@thirskschool.org.
If you are new to the school please use the link which has been emailed to you to create your own password.
You must click "Reset Password" where you will be asked to enter your email address. This email address will be the email you provided to the school. Once you have created your new password you will be able to log into your new MCAS account.
A full guide to MCAS can be found via this link.
If you have an issues activating your new account please contact jenny.crabtree@thirskschool.org.
Once on MCAS you will need to read the documents which can be found via the 'Important Documents' on the left hand menu, then complete all the consents via 'Parental Consents' also on the left hand menu. All must be completed prior to your child starting at school.
As suggested earlier, the intention is for a student to be starting in school within a week of the parents/carers agreeing the place offered.