thirsk school sixth form class

sixth form

Students in our Sixth Form feel well supported as they progress through two years of study.  The academic challenge is significant and our students will face a range of additional challenges as they mature into young adults ready for the real world.

Through all of these challenges there is a supportive pastoral system that proactively ensures all students are well looked after.


Head of Sixth Form is Assistant Headteacher Mr Gordon Pentland


Kate Leopold (Assistant Head of Sixth Form)

Form Tutors

The daily point of contact and usually the first person students turn to when there is an issue.  Tutors deliver health, career and academic advice and really get to know the students in their groups well.

Year 13

13R – Mrs Dickson : [email protected]

13S – Mrs Fletcher: [email protected]

13K – Mr Acheson : [email protected]

Year 12

12T – Mr Wharton : [email protected]

12H –  Mrs Fenwick : [email protected]

12I – Mrs Hurt : [email protected] & Mrs Jones : [email protected]

Additional Sixth Form Tutor Mr MacMillan [email protected]

Head of Sixth Form College

Mr Pentland : [email protected]

Assistant Head of Sixth Form College

Miss Leopold : [email protected]

Inclusion Team

A skilled team of non-teaching staff provide counselling and often just a person to listen.  Well thought of by the students, this support is on offer to all.

External Agencies

Through our regular pastoral meetings, all of these staff work together as a team to provide the best support possible for each student.  We have established and strong links to a range of external agencies that support students when we cannot.




Social Care

Compass Buzz

01845 522024