This is a financial support programme for students when household income is less than £30,000.
A simple application form together with evidence provided allows students access to some financial support for academic progress. This could include trips, open days,stationary, courses, travel expenses, surface go donations and other educational materials.
To apply please see the attached forms and information.
Bursary Fund Policy Statement 2024
Financial Assessment Form 2024
For further enquiries can be directed to Mr Pentland at gordon.pentland@thirskschool.org
The 16 to 19 tuition fund is a £96 million fund, ring fenced for schools, colleges and other 16-19 providers to support small group tuition for students in English, Mathematics and other courses where learning has been disrupted due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
At Thirsk School we intend to use the funding to support online tuition opportunities for Sixth Form students who are re-sitting core subjects. The allocation of funding is relatively small and it stipulates that no more than 4 or 5 students can be allocated to this scheme. We are therefore targeting those students who are most in need of this support at this time. We are likely to use outside provision for this scheme and we will communicate the support to parents as soon as it is confirmed.